The Helipad | Literacy Hub Logo

How we can help

Reading & Writing

Our reading and writing programs are suitable for every child, because our programs are individualised based on your child’s needs.

We work with children who have:

In your child's first session, we will assess your child's skills in a variety of areas, including:

Phonological Awareness

Rapid Automatic Naming

Reading Words

Sounding Out Words

Oral Reading



Reading Comprehension

We use a combination of informal and formal assessments. Following the assessment, we will create a program for your child. We break down all of the building blocks in reading and help your child develop each skill. We will support your child in developing their phonological awareness skills, letter to sound correspondence, orthographic knowledge and morphology in both reading and spelling. Our team are all trained in Sounds Write and use a structured, synthetic phonics approach. 

We also believe that it is important to achieve fluency in a skill, before progressing to the next step. This helps reduce the cognitive load when your child moves to the next step, as they only have to focus on learning the new skill (instead of trying to consolidate what they have just learnt while they are learning something new).